Wednesday, December 15, 2010

smoothie love and weigh in

i love smoothies

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

stinking nervous

tomorrow is weigh in
stinking nervous

Friday, December 10, 2010

tears & moving on

Bad news...orthopedic says I have a meniscal/ACL tear and I need surgery. Good news...after I fully recover I can RUN again.
I have been working out at the gym a lot...taking it easy on the knee, though. And tonight, since getting the okay from the doc, I rode the stationary bike for 25 minutes...moderate pace...taking care of my knee. Five more days till weigh in. Nervous again. But, I CAN tell you this...I have had to move down in sizes. Good stuff!

Tomorrow night is my work party & I plan on enjoying the evening! Eat a little of ANYTHING I want. Some wine. I don't know what will happen with the dancing. I'm gonna want to but don't know about the knee. We'll see!

H a p p y W e e k e n d!

Thursday, December 2, 2010



Today, I hit the gym with a friend.
Worked out for an hour. Nice.

But as I sat on the bench at my son's soccer practice.
I felt like I was "sitting on the bench."
Watched people running around me & felt jealous.
I have to get better soon.
I have to run soon.
I have to lose weight.
I have to feel good.
I have to meet challenges I will set one day.
I have to, I have to.
Hey, nothing is impossible.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

down, down, down

I was sooo worried about today's weigh in...after Thanksgiving & not running. I wasn't sure what to expect.

Ladies & gentlemen, I lost....3 more pounds. Oh yeah, Baby. A total of 20 pounds so far. I am so happy and excited about this journey I am on. I feel like I am finding me again, hence "Project Me."

I also made my way back to the gym tonight since I hurt my knee. I felt like I could handle it if I just took it easy & it was fine. Did a little core work & uppers...even sweat a little. Good stuff.

Now, I'm psyched for December 15th. Stick around people, good things are going to happen. Much <3 & :)