Saturday, January 1, 2011

Knee update & Weigh-In

On December 20, 2010, I had ACL reconstructive surgery (jumped out of my husband's truck as if I was superwoman). I have been healing wonderfully. The Doc & the Physical Therapists are impressed with my recovery. So I suppose it sounds like great news. However, I confess, I have been so upset with myself for missing out on so much running. Yes, I am iching to put on my running shoes & continue what I had started. I have yet to run my first 5K. I know I have to take it easy & take it slow for a strong recovery. And I will. BUT, 2011, I am so ready for you. I want to run my first 5K in 2011. I am not setting a goal yet as to when...summer? Really I'm only 11 days out of surgery & PT needs to take full affect. Okay I guess I have a ways to go, but I am so psyced about this new year, I can almost cry!

I did some reading around the net and found quite a few sites (Kevin Sayers UltRunR Site, Suite101, Atlanta GA Sports Medicine, Knee Pain Causes, Treatment, Prevention, and Relief) that had recommended the surgery & most importantly proved that surgery is not the end of running. YES! I was so afraid that I may have messed up my chances of reaching my running (and health) goals. But after reading all the stories I am so freaking excited I can't contain myself. I guess you could see...I want it bad!

GREAT NEWS: I lost 6 pounds.

Wow! I was NOT expecting that. Since surgery I have had days when I ate VERY little and I have had days where I ate whatever...definitely not my regular healthy diet. Plus, NO exercise. WOW! Can't explain it, but will take it. Can't wait for the next weigh in. After my follow up on January 6th, I'm hoping to get cleared for bike riding, swimming, and strength training. So...

Here's to 2011!

Now, I need to look into getting a good brace for my knee. Any recommendations?

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